The primary function of motor oil is lubrication–keeping moving metal parts from coming into contact with one another, reducing friction and wear–but it also serves as a hydraulic fluid and a coolant. As a hydraulic fluid, it is used to pressurize various engine components. Depending on the design of the engine, variable valve timing and zero-lash hydraulic lifters may depend on oil pressure. As a coolant, oil removes heat from some of the hottest parts of the engine, albeit to a lesser degree than an engine coolant.
When to change
Oil doesn’t wear out so much as burn up. Depending on vehicle usage, additives in the oil meant to protect the engine might evaporate away faster, leaving leftover base oils which tend to overheat and oxidize quicker. This leads to oil sludge which can clog oil passageways. If an engine is left like this, it may potentially destroy itself.
Oil should be checked regularly, or at least once a month. When the oil level goes below the safe marking, it should be changed.

Choosing the right oil for your vehicle
Not all oils are the same. There are full synthetic oils, synthetic blends, and conventional oils, all of which come in varying weights and viscosities. There are even specialized oils for diesel engines, racing engines, motorcycle engines and more.
Full synthetic oils tend to last longer than conventional oils and typically come at a higher price. Synthetic oils are often made from natural gasses and other chemical compounds as a substitute for crude oils and other petroleum-based oils. Full Synthetic oils generally deliver better overall engine protection and performance. Synthetic Blend oils are a combination of synthetic and conventional oils, offering the user the benefits of both, while conventional oils are the traditional oils with additives to improve performance
Consult your vehicle manual for information about which oil weight and viscosity is right for your engine.